Personal data: born in 1977 in Kyoto, Japan.

Education attained: University, Osaka Sangyo University of Environmental Design.

Sports achievements: 2nd Dan in shin karate, multiple cups from regional competitions in K-2 shin karate in Japan, the biggest success was the victory in the Tokyo tournament 2007.

Trainer Ⅱ sepecialization: Kick boxing - Český svaz Full Contact

How I got involved in martial arts

The first martial art, which I was actively devoted to, was Gióryú kenpó. After school I got a job in a construction company, and for some time I did not practice martial arts at all, but then I decided to get back into it and I chose shin karate. After about a year of training, the master reached out to me with an offer to work as an instructor at the Kenseikan dojo. Basically I decided almost immediately, I hung up my career as a project manager went down the path of martial arts.

Why I chose shin karate

Shin karate sparring and amateur competitions are very rough. There really is a lot of risk, and people are often afraid. I myself feel rather weak, not resistant to such an onslaught of power and danger. But the idea of overcoming this fear always attracted me more, to become so strong that I could face such a storm of offensive punches and kicks. Taking up shin karate in Japan for me was a big challenge, I admired shin karate, although it is not radically wide-spread. But it has a good reputation mainly on account of its versatility and maximum usability in a real fight and because the traditional heart of the Japanese warrior is maintained within it.

Moving to the Czech Republic

During my time in Kenseikan I met my future wife - a Czech woman, who was studying in Japan. This meeting later led to the decision that I will live in the Czech Republic. I perceived moving from Japan to the Czech Republic as a tremendous opportunity, not only for my development, but also for the historic first expansion of shin karate beyond the borders of Japan.

People in the West (from Japan) like traditional Japanese martial arts. Often they perceive, understand and appreciate the philosophy which Japanese martial arts carry better than contemporary Japanese people. I also appreciate that in the Czech Republic I can show people today a rather unusual form of a Japanese martial art tradition which is also really a rough and very effective fighting form.